How BigCommerce Multi-Storefront Can Help You Expand Your Reach and Grow Your Sales

In today’s digital age, expanding your reach and establishing a solid online presence is critical to success in e-commerce. As a leading e-commerce platform, BigCommerce offers a powerful feature called Multi-Storefront, which enables businesses to extend their reach and maximize their potential online. In this blog post, I will delve deeper into how you can leverage BigCommerce Multi-Storefront to expand your business and attract new customers. With BigCommerce Multi-Storefront, you can easily manage and operate multiple online stores from a single BigCommerce account. This remarkable feature allows you to create unique storefronts tailored to specific regions, languages, currencies, or product lines, while still centrally managing your inventory, orders, and customer data. This means that you can create custom storefronts for different regions, languages, or currencies without the hassle of managing multiple accounts. I understand that expanding your reach and having a robust online presence can be daunting; however, with the assistance of a professional BigCommerce store designing agency, you can manage the BigCommerce Multi-Storefront.

What is a BigCommerce Multi-Storefront?

BigCommerce Multi-Storefront allows businesses to manage and operate multiple online stores from a single BigCommerce account. This feature enables you to create unique storefronts tailored to specific regions, languages, currencies, or product lines, while still centrally managing your inventory, orders, and customer data.

Benefits of Using Multi-Storefront for Your Business

Targeting Different Markets: Expanding your reach with Multi-Storefront means you can create dedicated online stores for different geographic locations. This enables you to target specific markets with localized content, pricing, and shipping options. You can improve consumer engagement and increase conversions by providing a personalized shopping experience, ultimately, more sales.

Language Localization: With BigCommerce Multi-Storefront, you can create storefronts in different languages to cater to diverse customer bases. By providing content in customers’ native languages, you can break down language barriers and improve the overall shopping experience. Localizing your storefronts can help establish trust, improve customer satisfaction, and boost international sales.

Currency Support: Another advantage of Multi-Storefront is displaying prices in multiple currencies. Customers are more likely to purchase when they can see and understand the prices in their local currency. This feature streamlines the shopping experience, reduces friction, and improves customer confidence, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

Tailoring Product Offerings: Each storefront can be customized to showcase relevant products, promotions, and seasonal offers specific to a particular market. By tailoring your product offerings based on regional preferences and trends, you can better appeal to local customers and differentiate your brand from competitors. This level of customization can significantly improve your chances of success in new markets.

Centralized Management: While Multi-Storefront allows you to create multiple online stores, it also provides centralized management capabilities. This means you can centrally manage inventory, orders, customer data, and other essential aspects of your e-commerce operations without needing separate accounts for each store. This streamlines your administrative tasks and boosts operational efficiency.

Enhanced SEO and Marketing: With Multi-Storefront, you can create SEO-friendly URLs, meta tags, and page titles for each storefront, optimizing your online presence for search engines. Additionally, you can customize marketing campaigns and promotions to target specific regions or customer segments . These capabilities help maximize visibility and drive targeted traffic to your online stores.

Limitations of BigCommerce Multi-Storefront

How does BigCommerce have this cool feature called Multi-Storefront? It lets you create and manage multiple online stores under one account. But there are a few things you should know before jumping in.

Account requirements: Your online store must fulfill particular criteria, such as a paid BigCommerce plan, a domain name, and an SSL certificate. You cannot improvise.
Storefront limits: How much you can do with each storefront is limited. The number of storefronts, products, categories, and orders accepted. These limits will depend on the plan you choose. So, Multi-Storefront is incredible, but make sure your store is ready, and you’re aware of the limitations before diving in.

How to set up a multi-storefront on BigCommerce

If you want to set up a multi-storefront on BigCommerce, it’s pretty simple. All you have to do is: 

  1. Create a multi-store account with BigCommerce.Generate 
  2. API credentials (sounds technical, but it’s okay!).
  3. Connect your stores to BigCommerce and WordPress. 

By the way, if you’re more of a visual learner, here’s the Bigcommerce official site that walks you through the process step-by-step. Check out the bigcommerce Multi-Storefront video.

Strategies for Optimizing Your Multi-Storefront Performance

There are a number of strategies you can use to optimize your Multi-Storefront performance, including:-

  • Know your audience: Speak their language, use images they can relate to, and make sure your promos hit the spot.
  • Get on Google’s good side: Use SEO-friendly stuff like URLs, meta tags, and page titles to climb up the ranks in search results. 
  • Target your ads: Pinpoint regions and types of shoppers to get the best bang for your buck and bring in new business.
  • Keep tabs on your stats:Use analytics tools to track how your Multi-Storefront is doing. Then you can see where to make tweaks and improvements.

Tips for Long-Term Success with Multi-Storefront

The following recommendations are suggested to promote longevity and success within the multi-storefront framework:

  • First, keep that storefront fresh: Stay on top of the latest products, promos, and content so your Customers stay interested. 
  • Monitor performance: Do not snooze on your performance – keep track and adjust as needed.
  • Allocate resources for marketing and advertising: Investing in marketing and advertising initiatives can attract new customers and enhance sales.


BigCommerce Multi-Storefront is a powerful feature that empowers businesses to expand their reach, engage with customers on a deeper level, and optimize their online presence. You may uncover new business prospects and enhance revenue by harnessing its ability to develop localized storefronts, target different audiences, and tailor product offerings. Embrace the potential of BigCommerce Multi-Storefront to take your e-commerce business to new heights.

About Author:

Subhash Jain is the founder of Samyak Online and  your trusted partner for successful e-commerce ventures. Contact us to elevate your online business with our expertise in BigCommerce website design, development, and mobile apps. Let us help you stand out in the digital marketplace.

How Samyak Online can help with individual storefronts, managing product catalogs, and analyzing data:

At Samyak online, we understand how big commerce’s multi-storefront capability can help businesses develop and manage their operations. Our team of professionals has the necessary talents to set up merchants on this platform and make it all work for them. We’ll ensure we adhere to all your demands and restrictions so you can concentrate on expanding your company. We have the know-how and resources to make any task seem simple, whether building up individual storefronts, managing product catalogs, or analyzing data. With our assistance, you can handle your business to the next level and make the most of BigCommerce’s multi-storefront capability.

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